The Next Big Thing
LimBei is my nick
KLKX is my name
design'by- *blackraeyn;
the lonely story
Monday, November 28, 2005
Seventh Time
Last sunday 27/11/05, the annual officer workshop was held at SJAB HQ from 9-7. At first I did not really what the whole course was all about, I only knew it was a course to let us know each other better and have better teamwork. I went there without any objectives, just to see how the instructor can make us a better team to say lah. We started with a short activity where everyone need to find out something of someone listed in the paper given, and to form a straight line. Something like BINGO. I was the first to finish. Haha!!! But who cares right.. Hehe!!! Everyone will still complete theirs someway or another. Then after that was doing a personality test. Something like the famous DISC test that I have done before during my sec 3 or 4 time. The test concluded that I am a high S and I person. Which is exactly the same as the result in sec sch. This means that I have not change much in my personality during these 3-4 years period( makes me sound so old sia). Just to code a little bit from the test, I was a fire and water person.
Water is calm, a supporter of the team, a medium where the team may communicate. Loyal and go with the feelings.
Fire is bright, optimistic, inspiring and have great fun. Brighten everyone day.
This is really true about me, because whenever I do things, I will go with my feel. And I will always give way to ppl and hope that no conflict will happen in any decision I make or others make. I can also be very hyperactive, and have a hell lot of fun anywhere.
But, one very true thing about my personality of water is that, I can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. I will explain that when i get to the back of the day. Dont say too much about this test because it is copyrighted material by ComPas Management Consulting.
Then the instructor, Michelle describe and explain each element and I think all of it is true for everyone there. Then after the test is the Traffic Light game, which I have played before in my OTC 04 camp. but I somehow forgot how to play liao because I was in the team that time and cannot grasp the full picture of the game. Actually she wanted us to do double traffic light, where we can only move diagonally. But we were not very clever lah, so she decided to let us change to the single file one. it also took us some time before figuring it out. I think Ong was the first person to get it completely, whereas WanTing... Er hem.. Never say anything bad about her.. Haha.. Then after that was lunch. According to Ah Leow, he have discussed it with the teachers that the lunch that day will be paid for by the corp. Hope it is true!
During lunch at conference room, Michelle asked us why we came back to help out in KSS SJAB, and why we join in the first place. My reason for joining was because, Ramesh, the only guy from the same pri sch(Bukit View Primary School) as me in KSS that time as me to join together with LiCheng. But the gave up after a few training, but I perservere on until I get my Staff Sergeant in sec 4, which was my goal during sec 1. Actually I wanted to get my Staff Sergeant because i feel that the rank was very nice when Wan Li waas wearing it. Hehe..
Back to the lunch time, then the reason why i came back to help was I have to repay what i take from the corp, my"Take and Repay theory". So corp train me 4 yrs, i give back 4 yrs. Simple as that, nothing wrong right.. But someone disagreed, i will say it at that later part of the day.
After lunch was the marble game, where we need to pass marbles from one pipe to another without touching each other pipe or dropping the marble. We play three time, the number getting more and more lah. Should be because we getting more used to the game, rather than more teamwork. Wahaha.. Then after that we had the hierachy game, where the older officers like me become the boss, the newly graduated officers become supervisor, then senior NCO become workers. We got 18 min to plan and built everything which was in fact not possible lah. We took about maybe 30 min.. Then the outcome was quite nice, got take pic. Then after that game was the finale game.
We had 60 min to find out prices, shop number from around bugis and lavendar. Me, Chen yie, Ai suan and dicky was in the same grp. Lucky i know the area quite well, we made our way to concourse first, then shaw tower. in between we were running like siao ppl. So tired sia. Then from shaw tower, we ran and walked to lavendar MRT, then jog to golden mile market. Then back to HQ. The description may be quite short but the distance covered was hell long lor. We took 55 min to complete the game, the first and only group to reach in that time. Haha.. Who said a big guy weighing 270-280 pounds cant run. I was leading the group almost all the way lor.. Wahaha.. Another accomplishment.. In Chen Yie blog, she said that she did not know that I could run so fast. Thanks for the compliment, but it is necessary for a Judoka and a SJAB officer. Haha.. You old liao cannot run liao ma, going to 20 liao you.. hehe.. Or in other words, I am not fast, is you slow. Choose one!! Haha..
Then after everyone got back, we manage to get the puzzle together and in short the message wrote 'Carpe Diem' aka Seize The Day. After that, the class was nearing. Then we were asked to write down what we had learnt that day, and the action plan for the next year. We were quite tired, shacked after the "Amazing Race". So we were less enthu. Then Michelle started to comment and INSULTING almost everyone.
She said that we had not really learnt much from that day's course, and we were back to the square one that we were before. She criticized about my "Take and Repay" theory, which I was real F**KED UP by it. I did not ask you to come to F**KED talk bad about the things I believed in. SHIT YOU! OUTSIDER! At least you have the cheek to say you are an OUTSIDER and you have no F**KING RIGHT to lecture us. I would appreciate that you would not appear in my corp again because I would not cast a vote for you to lead an expedition for my Dear gi nas.. Even if you heng heng succed in breaking into LimBei territory, I would not F**KED attend the expedition. Who ask you to have step on my tail or exceed my boiling point, remember what you said, "Water can be your best friend or your worst enemy". So you reap what you sow. ASSHOLE OUTSIDER!!!!!!!!!
Just a small thing i want to bring up, during lunch time, i told everyone that when you come back to help, you may feel left out because you are diff from others in your class. But you can also feel you are very special, doing things that no one can do. SHE could not understand this point, and ??? for a moment. If SHE cant even understand this simple theory of looking from 2 perspectives which I can, then SHE is not qualified to appear in KSS SJAB anymore. Because i believe if someone cant be smarter than me, he or she cannot qualify in teaching me anything or bring any knowledge to my Dear gi nas..
ps: I can be your best friend or your worst enemy! I have not been real angry before, never in my lifetime. So pls dont try to make me reach that point. I learn Judo and my O-Soto-Gari can injure you to no return. So pls dont cross the line. NiLaoBa 3:16
and so He speaks
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Sixth Time
Yesterday was a long and fun day.. In the morning-afternoon (7-3) was my boring attachment lah.. Then after that was the start of a long long long day. Meet Ong, Bra, Cliff, Wei Jian at Jurong East K Pool. Bra and I was late so the three of them went ahead to K pool first to play three small. I reach around 3.45, even though we said 3.30. But bo bian, got new admission when at around 2.50, then I was moving the beds to make way for the new case. Ok, at pool we play awhile lah. At that time we still havent get to decide on which place we are going to celebrate, I say go eat then Cliff say dont want, want go sing. Then Bra was in neutral opinion. If i not wrong, wei jian wanted to go eat. But everyone was on a budget, except me and bra lah. By right all expenses was agreed to be paid by cliff when we first initiated the celebration of his and ong birdday. But few days before the date, he chicken out(haha) and say he need to budget and tell me to go on Dutch. I think that is one of the factors why we had a hard time making the decision to go eat or go sing. I voted for yaki yuki at cineleisure, because it is my second place I took the NYP Judo Club Da Wei Wang champion. I choose there because the food is nice, got sushi, salmon, chicken, beef, fish, yong tau foo things, scallop, prawn, ice cream, drinks ++++++++ The soup there is nice, if you know how to do it right like how I do. Add 1 or 2 eggs, plenty plenty plenty of the two kinds mushroom and you will get an excellent soup. Easy right!!
Back to the decision, we rode on bra car and drove around and discuss where we wanted to go, sing or eat, or sing and eat. The places like Cheng Huat, my first NYP Judo Club Da Wei Wang championship, seoul garden, coffeeshop all came. Then in the end, we park at one of the buildings rubbish chute around JE and discuss. Then i took one step back, we go find one zu chao recommended by bra, then go Lot 1 K box. Then finally settled, the zu chao was nice. We ordered hotplate deer, hotplate tofu, sambal kangkong and chilli sotong. All add together 48, not too ex la..
Then after eating, we go Lot 1 liao. First place to go of course go Kiddy Palace look see around, the first place I worked. Actually we went there to look at Hui Rong la, cliff "beloved".. Haha.. No la, actually is the girl he think is quite seenable. Go there talk around look see around. Then the next place that all K-ers must go before their big battle ahead, the supermarket. Why? Because when you want to sing long hours, one must always have at least a 1.5 litre bottle to refill the drinks, if that K-er did not need any drinks except the 2 cups by K box, he is not a real K-er.
We bought four 1.5 litre of assorted green teas and a packet of 6can of white tea. Then next is k box.
We were also in a small dilema when we are there, because there is 3 pricing, Student, golden and room charge. Student is 9+++ and golden is 16+++. The other one is dunno how much ar but calculate out is 15 something per pax. Student is 7-10. Golden is 7-2 and the other is 7-3. Bra got curfew until 10, ong want to go home early because next day lesson start at 8 or 9. Then we discuss awhile then finally decided to choose the third choice. Got 4 cups of vodka sprite, two beers. The beer was nice, but the vodka feels like more sprite. We choose alot of songs la, got some standard one like tuo diao, peng you all this. You die die overtime also must sing de. i sang the most la, because ong , bra , wei jian not so in into K. And bra chinese is "excellent", doesnt know too many traditional chinese characters.
Then around 10pm, weijian, ong, bra left. Only left me and cliff flip our own backside in the room. Cliff is my regular K partner, so we chiong alot of songs, english also have, then my favourite hokkien songs. Then his gay voice gay songs. Still, I did more of the singing, because I know more songs and enjoying them better. We sang all the way until 2am. Then we both give up, foot the $76 bill then go home. Then we were also deciding to take taxi home anot, so I choose that we take taxi, he send me home then he go home. Because he is the tax payer. Then reach home aropund 2.20 then sleep. Nothing special happened today 24/11/05. Same boring work 1-9.
Maybe next blog I try to talk about myself again and my beliefs. And the girl I like..
and so He speaks
Monday, November 21, 2005
Fifth Time
Just had my SJAB ATC 05 from 18-20. Damn tired these few days, because straightaway after work from 7-3, go home pack bag, go KSS. So tired that day, slept at 1am that night/day. Forgot why so late sleep liao, tired until forget everything. Then second day of camp was busier, need to do my campfire stuff. Early morning went parade square to take out the firewood soak overnight, then put in the next batch to soak. Did not know that kerosene was so burning, it burn the latex glove like nothing. Wear 8 layer still manage to burn until the last piece inside. So next time anyone want to organise campfire must buy lots of glove. 2 pack should be enough. but I found out that actually vinyl one is better, it does not get thinner when it meets with kerosene. Just two layer can wear for a long time. Consider vinyl next time.
Then afternoon taught my triage theory, emphasize that to my cadets. FYI: Triage is aka mass casualty situation lah. The basic is to save the more able bodied before those seriously ill. eg. You should save someone with a small cut on the hand before you save someone with stab wound and a hole in the chest. That does not sound humane but it is derived from the French in 1800s where there is alot of battle going around. Think, one soldier kana one bullet shot to the arm, another soldier leg got blast off during a land mine. Of course will save that guy with bullet shot first because he can still chiong. You must think differently, because normal human instinct is to save the one who is more ill. That is ONLY applicable during mass casualty situation like Tsunami, Hurricane or multiple( maybe 20) car collision.
Then after that is campfire which is organised by me. Haha.. My master of ceremony is my cutest sec 1 Amelia, and my dear Xingyun's brother yongting. Even though they are sec 1 , I still think they did a good job as I took away their virginity............... for a campfire emcee.. Wahaha!! I thought my cadets how to sing the most important cheer in their life in SJAB, "SJAB Cheer". It is the song that I wish everyone SJAB cadet can master and sing and do the action. I also tried teaching "There was a stream", but too chim for them to understand, so sing awhile then stop liao. Sianz! But I dont know why the cadets have a badder knowledge of campfire cheers liao. During my time almost everyone know how to sing standard campfire songs. We ended our campfire with a song " Cant smile without you", recommended by Shen Yang. Then after that, we chiong with water bomb. Muhaha.. My speciality, because i will hardly throw a water bomb, all I need to do is go to the person I wanna wet, then burst with my hand infront of them. Why take trouble to aim, just a squeeze everything settled. So next time got water bombing session, make sure dont get caught by me, or else feel the water explode in your face.
Then after water bombing time, is supper then sleepz. But, no can is good without a firedrill and tekan session. So the cadets go sleep, i sit there planning for the triage practical. Then slept for awhile, then wake my fellows officer up to get ready for the triage. The cadets did fairly or just failed the triage. eg. Cardiac Arrest can be = to sure death unless got CPR done. That case got seven casualty, one grp saved the one with cardiac failure third. So using theory of triage, CF should be saved last. That is the kind of silly mistake or faults that should not have been made. And from the way the girls carry stretcher, anyone can easily die from falling off or scared to death. So next year should drill their basic skills liao. That will bring me to the next point later part. Continue. Then after triage is promotion ceremony. Can anyone imagine, promotion ceremony at early morning. 5 am. Haha.. Only Chen Yie can think of this bian tai idea lor.. Siao Pig Girl(SPG) Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, after that is PT, breakfast clean up. Then blah blah... ok.. End camp go home sleep.
My next point, if anybody have noticed, the speed at which I do my work is usually very slow pace. I can take a long time to finish a project but I believe that project will be a very good one. Chinese got one saying- Haste bring no good work. I also like to do do things on my own, like what Ah leow said "hero". The reason for me not liking to share my workload to anyone is because, i hardly find anyone I can trust to do the job. That is why I always end up having alot of shit piling on me. Ah Leow always tell me to distribute work to other ppl, but I rarely do it because not everyone have earn my trust. The one I trust most in SJAB is Choon Siong, because I believe he is much better than me in dealing with things. To be frank, he should be holding the post I am holding now, it is just that he back up from OTC 04 and went to 05 instead. If not, I will definitely vote him to take charge of this dept. I know where I stand, i am not the best leader or coordinator. But at least I try. That is why I hope alot of ppl can try to earn a trust not only from me but to others. Ai Suan and Choon Kiat have also earn little of my trust. Peiyun,Xinyan,ChenYie,WanTing little more. Ah Leow can be trusted most but he always cheat us but is for the corp and our sake la, SOMETIMES! I dunno when I can really trust Shan Zhi. But next year I will be standing alone, unless my Ongky continue to stay in SJAB. Mah will be botak next year, wont have much time to help out. The feeling of loneliness and helplessness is engulfing me. I do not like this feel! I do not like to be left alone fighting the "War On 5 days Work Week" by our Dear PM Lee. Would like to hear " If you are not the one"
~I dont wanna run away, but I cant take it. I dont understand!~
Sad! It is real sadness when I think back of the time when i was still wearing my cadet head crest and training with my brothers of KSS SJAB comparing it to the situation now where ppl are leaving me. I feel like being torn apart piece by piece. I feel like crying, I did not even cry when my Grandfather pass away as I believe not to let sadness be spread, cos one cry all cry. This show how impt my brothers in SJAB means to me. :'(
PS: This is my blog! I can say alot of things out, but not everything out. Do not stop me! Jabroonis!
and so He speaks
Friday, November 11, 2005
Fourth Time
1.)Do I always look like I D-A-M-N FREE to every person in this world?
Why do PPL like to throw alot of F**king stuff to me to do when I F**king got no time?
What side of me tells you that I have alot of F**king time to do other things? The sunny side up ar? GY la!!!!!!!!!!
Cant I have my own F**king time to F**king do my own personal things?
Dear to all, FYI: A nurse job sucks! What Bai Yi Tian Shi? All these are craps that are made up by F**king old old old, teeth drop, whitened hair ppl. 7-3, 1-9. This kind of time to work, do you think ppl have alot of time to rest or even have a nice conversation or gathering with your beloved one? I dont even have much time to talk to my parents or friends, what makes you think that I have the damn time to look after small kids!!!!! Sat and Sun is resting day for LimBei during attachment. Get this clear. I wanna say that during my working/attachment time I F**K got no time to entertain to alot of things or ppl. Dont wish to elaborate this any further. Get F**k by the staff, get screw by the pt. And have to look at the birdy face of F**king "Dogs"(if you know what it means). Tell me why??? Why??? Do I really look like I am free? Do I need to 24/7 need to know what shit or holy shit is happening?
Always staying online does not F**k means that I am free. I stay online in case anyone need anything from me or wanna ask me something. That will bring me to point two.
2.)Why do I always have to think for others before I think for myself?
Why must I always sacrifice my own time for others to F**k themselves upside down, downside up, inside out, outside in when they have more shitting time than me?
Does being in a government subsidised school mean that you are more holy, sacred, high class,important,top of the social class compared to those who pay adult fare to get around Singapore even though they are of the near same age who also F**king carry tons of lecture notes in their bag and have lecture and tutorial?
I F**k your friend ar! Ask your father all come la.. You ask ten twenty man come I also not scared ar. I one person can already.( Kinda of familiar??)
The point is: Why cant ppl F**k think of others before self? Shit all of you la!!
The Ultimate truth which not many ppl know or believe: I join nursing because of SJAB. My softheartedness control me and the way I do things! I hate this softheartedness but it is shitly in my genes!! If I did not have this genes, I would not have been an officer. Or even bothered about small kids.. The weakest batch of ppl I have seen in KSS SJAB was the 1988 batch. Till date I have not change my opinion on 88 ppl. They are weakass who are overly pampered by their friendly understanding caring and kind parents. Or they choose to be childish and idiotic in their way of doing things and thinkings! I still believe the 87 batch is still the best that KSS SJAB has seen. No one in that yr from the other UGs can achieve what we have gotten. And I do not believe any one can ever do that. The bonds that are built up during our countless hours of training cannot be achieved by others. We are on our seperate ways after O, I still miss the time we spent on training. I decided to blog it and tell those F**King ppl who dont F**K believe the truth. But I dunno if I can maintain this belief or passion in my stay! " Pro Utilitate Hominum" For the Service Of Mankind, a holy sacred great phrase that have been around for 900 plus years.. Can I still believe in the service to mankind?? My God knows!!
This blog is to shit some things out from my long kept f**kstration..
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life IN HELL!
and so He speaks
Monday, November 07, 2005
Third Time
Few days never write le.. Quite busy these few days.. Went back to Kranji to take consent form from the SJAB teacher I/C for my dear sec 1 on friday 4/11/05. Then take the equipment needed for the sunday 6/11/05 Basic Home Nursing course conducted by ME!! Haha!! Talk about the nursing course later.. Then on friday also went for my friend, Yao Zong chalet.. It was actually meant to be his class chalet, but not alot of ppl was keen for it so they change it to just a chalet for themselves to enjoy and play la.. BBQ for the whole night, got alot of food like sotong, mushroom, chicken, beef steak, fish fillet, satay, otah ++++ We were like crazy ppl when we were bbqing , even before we drank Vodka that Yao Zong brought.. Haha.. Then after that, we were playing mahjong. Then some play Fatal Frame.. Girls are so noisy.. :P Then after play mahjong awhile, then they all go see Yao Zong or Soo Hui.. Then left me and that crazy girl, Ping Ting, playing mahjong Jenga.. Haha..
Then when Jasmine blader friends go home, we all took out the vodka and coke and play game.. We took four dice, then 1 person become host la, shake shake then see the number. 4x6=24, so we started from smallest 4 then call out number. Can call one number or up till three numbers. Then the person who called the number that was shaked, must drink 2 caps vodka plus coke. But very not fair lei, that WaiYee aka Bayi pour 3 cap for guys sia.. No wonder she called WaiYee.. Muhaha.. Even though the guys got more cap, but she was the first one to get high, and i mean VERY HIGH!! She challenge half play hai dai quan(seaweed game).. She say that she is quan wang(king of the game).. Wahaha.. My foot ar!! In my first ever, virgin game, i won her in just the first call.. What kind of quan wang is this?? Haha.. i think her quan wang mean all die.. :P She really go challenge at least half of the chalet, (ppl in the chalet: Yao Zong, Ping Ting, Jasmine, Candy, Li Zhen, Helen, Soo Hui, Bing Ling, Wai Yee, Jia Yee and me).
Well! We had a fun time through out the night, play until 4 plus am then sleep. In between still got alot things happening la, but cut short. Like Wai Yee vomitted first, then Jasmine vomitted, then crazy ppl playing Fatal Frame until late night very early morning..
Late le.. Got attachment tommorrow, maybe continue story tommorrow. Still got Sat stuff and Sun stuff and today things havent say yet.. zzZzZzZzz..... Sleep Now!
and so He speaks
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Second Time

Just a small photo
These few days was quite busy even though it was the end of my exam on sat 29/10. Need to do some SJAB stuff and my friendster stuff. Hehe.. The past few days during exam was hell man, so much things to meomorise. Always do last minute stuff de, tired of it liao.. It have been a long time since I have this feel. The feeling of going into the exam hall and telling myself today do I wanna get a A or a B is gone ever since i came out from sec school. I just dont like this feeling. It wasnt so bad during year 1, but for this semester, the feeling of dunno failing or passing the paper was shit. hate this feeling.
Actually, my course sucks. 1.)The way the timetable goes suck. Going home at 7 pm and 8 pm . See: Mon 8pm, tues 5pm, wed before 12am, thurs 7 pm, fri before 12 am. What kind of life is this man, always go home when the sun goes down. Partly becos of CCA on wed and fri la, but enjoyable ma. Even though tues goes home at 5pm, but it is the only day to accompany my friends go eat dinner , watch movie or slack around. Bad life!
2.)Ok! The test paper in school sucks too. I remember taking a clinical practice test 1 month plus ago, the paper was a 50 min one. In the dunno 30 plus min then the lecturer said there was a new instruction in the qns. WTH!!!!!! Ppl already chionging and trying their best to finish the paper and you last min say you wanna change something. Shit happens!
3.)Still got, there was this particular SAQ qns, it require us to write a nursing note specifying the drip, the solution the time we gonna put the solution. The idiotic bastard part was it require us to write nursing notes for 2 days plus, at least 36 hrs lor. The teacher did not teach how to write, and wants us to write. A nurse shifts is 7.5 hrs plus, and then expect us to write nursing notes for 5-6 shift. what kind of stupid shit they asking us to do, which nurse will do such a long shift. They think got disaster and need ppl stay awake for 36 plus hrs just to write nursing notes. No common sense right sia.
4.) The school take so much money from us ( FYI: $ 6000+++++++++) and dont even have appropriate facilities tolet us use. That time got one tutorial, watch video de. That whole level ONLY got one pathetic lousy shitty video player. We so sianz sia. Even the teacher was telling us to write it down during our evaluation at the end of the semester. What kind of school is this. In the end share among 3 classes, ended our bloody tutorial late. Waste time in class "make three small"(do nothing or do what). My poly VERY VERY famous for its BEAUTIFUL FOUNTAINS.. As is we appreciate all these fountains, i think got at least 5 in school. Spend so much money do what, buy koi or goldfish or SUCKER fish put inside "nong gao xiang ga" is it. Useless WAs..
5) I 'LOVE" the way the school put the attachment dates and the tests. Purposely put ALL the test, straight after my attachment lei.. My whole group was F up by this bloody timetable, imagine every week got 2-3 test or assessments or presentation. STRAIGHT from attachment lei, where got time to study all this crap stuff. imagine you clear shit for two weeks, 10 days, need to do case study, get assess by the teacher at the hospital. Where got time go read all this crap test and do presentaion stuff. Really never use brain think de lei, make everyone so F up and cursing from after attachment until exam over and even until now for me. Dont know how the timetable goes man.. Dunno how to study this course and school and poly sia. DAMN IT!
Something light now! One meaningful joke.
There was once this tree where many monkey live together. And the leader of the monkeys always like to be at the top of the tree and the others all below him. Then the leader always so proud because everytime when he look down, the others are smiling or laughing away. He thought everyone live happily under his rule. But the truth is, when the other monkeys look up, what they see is just an ASSHOLE! I did not say it link to the article on top wor! Haha!!!!!
and so He speaks